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What Games Do You Want to See?
A Bunch of Blanks
Players make jokes about the subject walking into a bar "A bunch of cats walk into a bar, the bartender says..."
During the scene, the MC may shout out a different accent for them to use.
Acronym Panel
Players explain what common acronyms mean from the perspectives of their characters.
Action Figures
Two audience volunteers will move the two players as they perform a scene like child action figures.
Advice Panel
Players give advice for questions from the audience from the prespective of their characters.
Alien Anthropologist
Two players perform a short scene dealing with common occurences while the other two players are off-stage. The players then repeat the scene in gibberish while the second set interpret the meaning behind the scene as aliens might interpret human behaviors
Back in My Day
Players step out as old folks, complaining about how the subject was different back in their day.
Bells and Buzzers
Audience members assign rules to the bell and buzzer. As they pass through the audience, anyone can choose to sound the bell or buzzer, and the players must implement that rule.
Bend, Sit or Stand
At all times, one player must be bending over, one must be sitting, and one must be standing. As one player moves from one position to the others, the other players must adjust as well.
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Players perform the same scene, three times. Each time, the scene must be bigger, and more exaggerated, than the time before.
Boo! - Yay!
Each side takes a turn telling a story, one good and one bad. When the good side tells a line, everyone yells "Yay!". When the bad side tells a line, everyone yells "Boo!". If the line is not sufficiently good or bad, or doesn't fit the story, the player is kicked out.
Britty, Britty, Britty
Players perform a scene, with a mild accent. Whenever the emcee says "Britty, britty, britty," they must thicken their accent.
Celebrity Answering Machine
Players step out and leave a message for the celebrity or as the celebrity
Celebrity To-Do List
Players step out and read from celebrity's to-do list.
Changing Styles
During the scene, the emcee may shout out a different genre or style to perform the scene in.
Cocktail Party
Each group has a conversation as though at a party. One group begins and should fade out after about 30 seconds. The next group begins as the first fades out. This repeats rotating from group to group. It should sound as though you were passing through the party, just catching clips from conversations.
Da Doo Ron Ron
Players take turns rhyming with an intial name to the tune of "Da Doo Ron Ron". Every third player has to make three rhymes.
Dating Game
One player leaves the stage while three others are assigned characters/quirks. The first player returns, assuming the role as the contestant on a dating show. The contestant asks questions to the other players, who answer in character. The contestant guesses at what their character is, and selects the one they'll date.
Day in the Life
Players replay the daily occurences from an audience member.
Death Pendulum
Players perform three scenes, rotating to the next scene when one of them dies. This continues until they are all dead in each scene.
Players define 3 words and then must use them as many times as they can in a scene.
Three players perform a scene. It is stopped after a short while, by the "director", who instructs them all on a better way to do it. He can assign different directions, ask them to be different characters, accents, etc. Repeat the scene a few times, as directed.
Emotional Boundaries
The stage is divided into three areas, with an emotion tied to each area. Players show the emotions of each area as they move through them.
Fairy Tale
Players tell a portion of a fairy tale.
Film Noir
Stylish crime drama, emphasizing cynical attitudes and gritty emotions
Follow the leaver
Two start a scene, but when one leaves the location, the action follows them into a new scenario
Foreign Film
Two players perform a foreign film, speaking in a foreign language (gibberish). Other players dub over their lines in english.
Freeze Tag
Two players will begin a scene. When any other players wish to stop the scene, they yell "Freeze". They then take the place of one of the frozen players and begin a new scene.
Genre-nimo (Genre jam)
One team performs a scene. Then the second team repeats the scene in the style of a new genre. This is repeated two more times.
Glass is Half Full
Players will take turns increasing the awesomeness of something the previous player said. Everyone yells "Yay!" after each one.
Good Day, Bad Day
Players replay the daily occurences from an audience member in the best way possible. Then repeat the scene as the worst day possible.
Good, Bad, Worst
Players give advice for questions from the audience. One player must give good advice, one bad advice, and one the worst advice.
Great Minds Think A'Different
Two players leave while the debate topic is selected. The other two players pantomime the debate and why the debator is for or against it.
Players perform a one minute scene. They then repeat that scene in half the time. Repeat until one second scene.
Hey Waiter
Player pulls another player out and tells them what to complain about in their soup. First player gives a response.
Inner Monologue
Two players perform a scene while the other two voice what is going on in their minds
Instant Replay
Emcee has two players repeat a scene after pointing out things that should be watched for that was not visible before.
Instruction Manual
Emcee points to one player at a time, and that player begins talking as though reading the instruction manual for the chosen object. Emcee switches who they are pointing to with new player picking up where the other left off.
One player leaves while the other two learn the person that was killed, what they were killed with, and where the body was found.
Players step out and provide Jeopardy style questions for which that subject is the answer. Each section of the audience should be assigned a topic. Players should introduce their buzzers.
Late for Work
One player is late for work, another player is his boss, and the other is his co-worker. The boss and co-worker know three reasons why first player is later for work. The co-worker must mime these reasons for the first player, who guesses, as the boss berates him for being late.
Lie Detector
At any time, the emcee may "buzz" a player, and they must change their last line/action, until the emcee approves and "dings" it.
Meanwhile, Elsewhere
Two people begin performing a scene. At any time, a player on the sidelines can call out something along the lines of "Meanwhile", or "Elsewhere", changing the scene to a different place, or time, to tell the whole story.
Mission Possible
Players must solve the mission using the three objects while traveling or in solving the problem
Moment After
Players step out and act out what happened the moment after that event.
Mumbling Movie Murder Mystery
One player, using only gibberish and pantomiming, tries to get the second player to guess those three things. Then the second player passes it to the third.
My Movie
Players come up with movie titles using the two letters. When the emcee is interested, they ask for more. The the player must give a movie slogan. If the emcee is still interested, the three players perform 30 seconds of the movie.
New Year's Resolutions
Players step out and mock making a new year resolution as that celebrity.
One player is the Anchor, who goes outside. Three others are the Co-Anchor, Sports, and Weather. Each is assigned a character/quirk, and the Anchor must guess at each character/quirk, while still delivering the news.
Players perform scene to put all of audience member's fears together.
Nine out of Ten
One player steps forward and begins talking about chosen subject. Other players may shout out "Objection", at which point they must explain what the speaking player got wrong, and if approved by the MC, they get to step forward and continue the explanation of the subject.
Ninety-Second Alphabet
Players perform a scene, in which each line must start with the next letter in the alphabet. They have ninety seconds to get all the way through.
One player is the novelist, typing out a story. The other players must act out his story.
Number of Words
Players are limited to a specifc amount of words they can use each time they speak
Once Upon a Time...The End
First 2 players establish an opening scene on one side of the stage and a closing scene on the other. The second set of players must connect the two scenes as they move across the stage
Party Quirks
One player is the party host, who goes outside, while three others are party guests, given characters/quirks. The host player must guess who the guests are.
Pen Pals
Two players write each other letters. Other players begin acting out what is being written, but then make other actions that the penpal must describe in their letters
Pieces of Paper
The audience provides several different lines, written on pieces of paper, then scattered on the floor. During the scene, players can pick up a piece of paper and incorporate the line into their scene.
Three audience members are positioned on the stage. Three players perform a scene. At any point in the scene, they can tap an audience member on the shoulder, who will then provide them with their next word.
Pokederes and Belvemons
Four players leave. Two players are trainers for 2 players each. They throw the one of their players into a scene, directing how they should act using their super powers. When the player begins acting like they have guessed who they are, the trainer pulls them back to throw in their second player.
Presidential Debate
Players field questions in a debate based on their characters.
Press Conference
One player leaves the room and will give a press conference to guess who they are. The other players are journalists, asking questions from the audience.
Quantum Leap
One player begins a scene. A second can call "Freeze", and then begin a new scene with the frozen position. This continues until the last player joins, and then finds a way to leave, which returns to the previous player's scene. Continue until the first player is alone again.
Quote Pass
Two players perform a scene. When the emcee hears a phrase they like, they shout it out and two new players begin a new scene with that as the starting phrase.
One player starts ranting about topic. Any other player moves forward to rant about a word that the other player said.
Remote control
During the scene, the emcee may have them go in reverse, or fast forward, or anything else you could do with a remote.
Replay at Bernie's
Three players perform a scene. They then perform the scene again, but with one player "dead". They must move the dead player around and deliver his lines. Repeat with two dead players.
Four players in a square that have four 2-player scenes. The emcee can rotate through the scenes
Roses are Red
Players step out and make pickup lines based on that subject and the standard "Roses are red" format.
Scenes Not Seen
Players step out and play out short deleted scenes from that movie.
Players perform a scene, in the style of shakespeare.
Situational humor
Two players see a scene they are in on whiteboards without the other seeing. They combine the scene without saying certain words.
Skip It
At any time, the emcee can ask them to "Skip it", and they must skip ahead past whatever was going to happen next.
Two audience members are part of the family pictures while two performers are showing a slide show of their most recent event.
Soap Opera
Players perform a scene, in the style of a soap opera. The three objects must appear in their scene in some way.
Sound Effects
Audience members are assigned a specific player to provide all sound effects.
Story Genres
Each player is assigned a story genre. Emcee points to one player at a time, and that player begins telling a story in their assigned genre. When the MC points to a different player, they must pick up the story where the other player left off.
One player starts a scene as a superhero whose name is determined by the audience. They must call on friends to help solve the crisis. Names are decided by the most recent player.
Tag Line
Players step out and provide action-hero style tag lines related to that subject.
Text to Speech
Two players will use only phrases from text messages borrowed from audience member phones.
Textholders' Report
One player is the CEO or media specialist of a company. Two players will use only phrases from text messages borrowed from audience member phones as responses to the questions the CEO is receiving about the company.
The Talk
Discuss the subject as though giving the birds and bees talk to a child
Theme Restaurant
Two audience members sit at a restaurant, with a theme. Players take turns coming in as waiters, doing something that fits that theme.
Three-Headed Debate (Spelling Bee)
Two teams of three, each joined together like a three headed monster. One monster's heads can speak one word at a time. The other monster's heads must all speak the same word at the same time.
Three-Way Dubbing
Three players perform a scene. All lines they say are for another player.
Players step out and read the epitaph from that celebrity's tombstone.
Top That
One player acts out an action from the audience. Play continues down the line with each player making the action bigger and more intense.
Town Hall
Emcee moderates a town hall discussion with the players who are different characters seated in the audience.
Two-Line Vocabulary
One player may say whatever they want in the scene. The other two are provided with two set lines.
Two players perform a scene, while two players are outside. One player leaves the scene, and is replaced by one player from outside. They repeat the scene. Then, the other outside player returns, so that neither of the original players are in the scene.
What Are You Doing?
Player uses the two letters to describe an action. The next player then imitates that action until another player asks what they are doing, when they need two new words using the two letters.
World's Worst
Players step out and act out examples of the very worst of that vocation.
Yes Man Advertising
Two players are trying to help their boss find ways to sell the common product. They should come up with merchandise, slogans, jingles, etc.
Yes Papa
Emcee begins on stage as the child. A player steps out and taps the child on the shoulder who responds "Yes, Papa". The player then plays on the theme and stays to become the new child.
Players provide a very brief "dating site" description of their character. The audience then chooses which characters should be paired together for a date.
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